A Modest & Dangerous Proposal


Nominations are still open for VTHH SUMMERSLAM 2021 -- you can vote here -- but the trend is clear: interest is nowhere near what it was in 2019. Way back then, we wrapped up the nomination round with just over 250 votes. Right now, after almost 48 hours, there are less than 50 votes for 2021. That's on me.

Maybe this was too soon. The website has only been up and running for less than two weeks. Maybe people were bitterly disappointed by the shitshow circus in 2019. That's fair, that's understandable. One thing is for sure: it's not for lack of eyeballs. That announcement post reached almost 400 people, the most popular content on the website all month.

So I'll keep nominations open for another day, but ... there's a much more important project looming behind all this noise.

This "PPV Event" format is just goofy fun. My end of year roundups are nothing but my idiot opinions. The Vermont hip hop scene deserves something more, something bigger and better and realer.

For years now, there have been a lot of side conversations about doing a serious annual awards event. Something that gets judged by a jury of your peers, an academy of the 802's four elements that represents the elders and the newcomers alike. Something with real weight and real authority.

This will involve real work and real depth, but I'm willing to coordinate it. This is worth it. We need a voting panel of at least - at least - 50 people, ideally closer to one hundred. I know for the fact our community is big enough to do that, if people are willing to participate.

Obviously, there are a lot of logistical questions involved with this. I'm open to discuss them all, whether here on my dinky little soapbox or directly with you.

But I'd like to get the ball rolling, here and now, so we can get the footwork done well before Fall turns into Winter and we're all left wondering, again, why this didn't come together. It's time. Let’s talk.

Justin Boland